Do Fantasy Sexy Maids keep client’s information and identity confidential?

I’m glad you asked, All Fantasy Sexy Maids booking information and identity is kept confidential between (FSM) Agency and your booking maid.

What can I expected after my maid has changed into her booking attire?

Your Maid will then do a brief walk through with client of desire areas of cleaning interest then perform task at hand.

What type of maids are (FSM)?

Fantasy Sexy Maids are outgoing, energetic, maids that enjoy cleaning, cooking, conversations, dancing to music while cleaning. However, (FSM) would not engage an any illegal act i.e., prostitution.

Do maids provide cleaning supplies?

No, it’s the responsibility of the client to provide all necessary cleaning supplies for their maids i.e., paper towels, rags, disinfecting spray, mop, dusting supplies etc.

Is it ok to record my (FSM)?

Absolutely not, it is for bidden to record your maid. If anyone is caught recording a (FSM) your appointment will be terminated abruptly with no refunds

What to expect when your (FSM) arrive at your desire booking location?

The client will show a picture ID to verify his/her identity upon arrival. 

Can I touch my (FSM)?

Absolutely not, under no circumstance are you allowed to have any physical contact with your maid. If physical contact with your maid is initiated your appointment will be terminated without a refund.

What information will I need to book my (FSM)?

It is imperative that clients provide ID, phone number and credit card or PayPal information to book their maid.

Are we hiring?

Absolutely, we are always looking for beautiful, confident, energetic, outgoing, women that enjoy cleaning and cooking.